Verified FBN Member (SD)


Has anyone ever asked for landowners, who rent their land out, to pay for tiling on their land?



Verified FBN Member (MN)

We have had many landowners pay half the cost of tile installation over the years. Some wanted a written agreement for reduced rent or not raising it for a number of years. Depending on the the size of the project we would install and pay ourselves just to keep the rent the same. Most landowners know how to care for there land, in our area if you don't tile you will have a swamp. The ones that don...


Verified FBN Member (OH)

A couple years ago I purchased a farm right next to a farm I rent. All the water flow was in the direction of the new farm so asked the landlord if they wanted some tile runs across to some problem areas on their side. I was willing to help with some of the cost in exchange for lower rent or longer contract. I had some extra cost for a bigger main on my side but they were more then happy to pay fo...


Verified FBN Member (TN)

We don’t do any tiling in W TN but when we put up a pivot on rented land the landlord pays for the well and we pay for the pivot with a 10 year agreement. We can’t take the well but can move or sell the pivot. I would think a landlord would see the benefit of tiling and would want to help with the expense at the very least. If they are a share rent landlord they will surely reap the benefits!

Verified FBN Member (IA)

Landowners should typically pay for the tiling unless there was a different agreement/arrangement in the lease. The agreement could be worked out on an annual basis or when needed. Situations change and occur when climatic situations change.