Indigo Ag is offering their seed microbe treatment plus agronomy for $9 an acre. They say 1-3 bu increase on beans and 0-12 bu increase on corn. Does anyone have some experience with Indigo good or bad? Has anyone done some side by side testing to see if they're legit or just smoke and mirrors?
Met with top leadership in Memphis at their conference 18 months ago. These people are trying to steal the only remaining bits of privacy we have left on our farm. They will use the carbon market (product of the far left) to regulate our behavior on our own land. The seed treatment is a scam, the indigo transportation leg is a complete joke and their marketing team's story changes from month to month. When are farmers going to wake up!? Do ya'll really think that a bunch of Harvard and MIT people care about the livelihoods of farmers in middle America. Their sole purpose is to find quiet ways to infiltrate our businesses and map our soils, the productinvity of our farms and the behavior on every acre of land in the country. I went to one of those snobby schools and was on the inside of the beast. Farmers are square in the crosshairs. You better read every last word of fine print and then have the smartest attorney in your town read the contract as well before you do business with indigo. I wish you all well.
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