Elemite is a fine rock dust powder. The videos I've watched show it mostly blowing away. When my area applicator tried to put it down with a fertilizer truck it was spread with great irregularity. I want to continue to use this instead of lime as it is about 1/2 the price and also contains many rare elements but 12 foot wide of heavy with little for 20 ft and then heavy again is not going to cut it. Wondering what equipment you have had success with. Thank you in advance.
I do not have experience with that product specifically but I have managed a coop agronomy center and put out a lot of fert. Spreading powders is going to be tough, you may need to cut your rates out the machine and decrease you spread width till you get a more uniform application. I’ve had to deal with AMS that was basically a powder and we were mixing it with dap and potash and we still struggled spreading it, it plugged our air flows so we could only use a spreader. Other option is what I’ve seen growers do with gypsum which is very fine is use a manure spreader and go fast to get some what decent coverage.
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