Have used sgis advanced since late 90s. Topcon is going to tap platform now and I don’t know much about it yet.
I have used Ag studio, sms advanced, and farmworks.
They all work well
Farmworks. Simple and easy. Get your soul test from the lab in electronic form import them. Then decided what nutiant you want to variable rate. Let the computer create the map. Export it to any monitor and your done.
Try Point forward Solutions out of Camrose or with Climate Field View you can write your own
Just this year I joined Ag studios to give it a try. I have been playing around on there with planting and yield maps that I had from climate fieldview and it is a variable rate/prescription writing dream. The possibilities are endless. I haven’t been able to actually use one of the prescriptions yet but it seems just as easy as loading any other script on the monitor.
Do you have a link?