Verified FBN Member (MO)


Has anyone used a JD 2680H high speed disk on terraced ground? Does it work okay?



Verified FBN Member (NE)

We are in an area that is all terraced (SE Nebraska) and we love it and had one for about 10 years now. We stayed with a 15 knife but do see a lot of the 19 knife around us just we never needed to go that big with the tractor we use on it. As long as you are going with the contour of the terrace it works great cause it flexed and each row individual flexed as well, so it worked far better then our old knife bar. We have had to but bushings in as well but seems like we get 8-10,000 acres before we get that problem. They are very off season high in maintenance but as long as you do it we love the fact that in season very little ever goes wrong we have to fix so we can keep running.

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