Verified FBN Member (ND)


FBN Health Insurance North Dakota

Just curious how many other North Dakota members lost out on FBN health insurance and are pissed off that our state went from 2 employees to qualify for “group” rates to now mandating 51 employees! Effective as of Jan 21. Guess I missed the news back in Jan, as I just found out yesterday our application was denied because of this. Just had a baby and my wife is going back to work part time and FBN was going to be our best option.


Any others who are irritated by this? Have you talked to any legislatures about why? Has FBN done anything to try and get ND to change this? I mean the jump from 2 to 51 is ridiculous.


I don’t know how many ND members had the FBN insurance but I’d like to hear more about why ND implemented the 51 employee mandate.


Verified FBN Member (ND)

Called my Senator and he’s going to look into it this week and get back to me. He said that it was not in any sort of bill they passed last session. It was a mandate put in place, and could have been by the insurance commissioner.

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