Verified FBN Member (SK, CAN)


Has anyone had issues with the CASE quadtrack with 18" tracks?

Just wondering if I'm the only one that has had issues with a CASE narrow track tractor, with camsoplast tracks. We have a 2014 model that needed new tracks at roughly 550hrs (covered on warranty) and again at 1500 hrs.


The undercarriage is "supposedly" needing a lot of work and I feel that the manufacture should be covering some of the costs.


Looking for some insight, we farm in Saskatchewan and not many around here. Hoping that the guys in the USA can enlighten me if there are any issues. For reference, we don't road this tractor very far, don't drive it on pavement and never faster than 16mph. Thanks.

  • Has anyone had issues with the CASE quadtrack with 18" tracks?
  • Has anyone had issues with the CASE quadtrack with 18" tracks?
  • Has anyone had issues with the CASE quadtrack with 18" tracks?


Verified FBN Member (WA)

I know Case had issues with the RowTracs eating up tracks when they first came out. Both Camso and Goodyear/ContiTech had issues holding up to the weight of the machine. This was amplified by heavy 3pt loads and roading. Basically the rubber in the tracks couldn’t dissipate heat fast enough and rubber breaks down. Case and the track manufacturers HAD a program to help pay to replace tracks. I do not know if this is still the case. But I do know that Case doesn’t like to throw money at machines that are more than 3 years out of warranty. I believe they were trying to change customer’s expectations on how long this 18” belts are supposed to last. Not going to get the 5,000 hours out of them like the big quad belts but you should still be getting 2,500 hours before smoking them.

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