irrigated/dryland farmer in Kansas. Nothing exactly pencils out that great. I’m in western Kansas where it’s primarily irrigated corn on corn and dryland is a wheat-corn/Milo- fallow rotation. Inputs have came down abit but so have commodity prices. I shop around for all my inputs and usually go with what’s cheapest(that’s how I got on FBN) but even doing that, if I can’t grow a bumper crop it just doesn’t really work. Anyone have any advice/tips on what you’re doing to stay in the green?
Knowing what your breakeven is to grow the crop is essential. Wants & needs are next. Price of machinery ( will it last a couple years? ) if prices stay below profit, I'm just going to buckle down and ride the storm out. I won't skimp on fertilizer, seed, herbicides. Opportunities will arise to those who can survive because some wont.
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