We have struggled for years with bad grain blocking the auger we use different designs triangular and cone shaped and found that the square boxes are the best.
Have lots of problems in beans only get hung up on bin wall will have to try that green pods
My Grandad always had a rod stuck through the side wall of the bin directly above the floor and it extended in to the center of the sump with an L shape on the end about 6” long and another on the other end outside the bin for a handle, just give it a twist or a push and pull if the sump was plugged, worked like a champ and saved lots of frustration !
Thanks for the idea we have not had any problem other than snow and ice
, we have a pyramid style in a new bin...first sump guard we have had in a bin. Is the problem with pyramid that there is no vertical face?
On your square design, how wide are your spaces between bars?
Good for both.
Corn in the picture
Is that corn or beans?
Yep, thanks!
Let me know if this helps
We put a hydraulic sump saver in one bin this fall. Haven't had to use it yet but certainly looks like chunks don't stand a chance. I see one company makes an electric one that's quite a bit cheaper. We've had horrible luck with the pyramid rebar set-up.
We used to do the pyramid and that's the wrong design. square boxes eliminate the problems.
If you watch your bins you don't need anything
If you have downspouts going into a bin, the condensation causes a spot to rot at the top of the corn which causes a plug when it gets to the bottom. For out bins with pits and augers we are installing a second gate just about the first gate. If the second gate plugs the flow of the grain usually has caused the first gate to unplug.
Do you put this in a bin with a sweep inside the bin?
Looks like a great design... was looking into building similar
we take ours out of the bin.
but you have a great idea! you should take my design and add/modify it to make it better!
Post a picture when you are done.
farmers are the most innovative people I know.
Do you think there would be a need to put a handle on it 2 or 3 feet up in the air? Easier to grab before you turn the sweep on?
Or does yours rotate with the sweep?
Yes. The square box works better than a triangular point.