Verified FBN Member (IA)


best aftermarket gauge wheel arms/bushings

Have found the RK aftermarket bolt and bushing kit to replace my JD bushings on a 1770NT 2012 with XP Pro units. Any others out there? Have heard of reaming and putting bearings in, have heard the new ME5 bushings are worse than the older XP units as to bushing wear and repair/replace.


Verified FBN Member (IA)


+100 on the RK products got them on 6 row ME+ units, 12 row ME2 units, just put 16 on a 1530 drill with basically ME+ units this spring. Was able to re use a bunch of ok arms by using these kits to take the slop out. great upgrade for older used planters!    Ag bought RK out, but  * carries them, too. I have bought from both. Good reviews from me!

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