im curious other’s opinions on apply fertilizer for corn. I currently run liquid 2x2 through planter. Am considering going to broadcast ahead of planter. Mainly due to having upgraded planters and the new one isn’t equipped with anything. So spend money to continue 2x2 or is broadcasting just as good? Thoughts? Opinions?
We ran kinze 16r30 planters w 2x2 liquid for 20 years. Did 5gal starter in furrow and 32 gal N off to side. If we had a good day of planting got 160 ac planted. Had 2 guys in a planter and one guy tending. 2 years ago we went to one 24,r30 w just 5 gal in furrow. We get 400ac a day w one planter tending himself. We have one guy running N w sprayer at 25 g ahead of planting and one guy w 10g n after the planter and our burn down and preemerge. We have seen 10-20 bu increase in yield. When the condition is right you need to get seed in the ground. You have to keep the planter light and fast. You have one chance a year to get the seed right you can mess with fert all season. We also have better roots because they are searching for nutrients and keep growing. With the 2x2 the roots hit those lines and stop growing because they have all they need right there....we get fall winds and the corn falls over bc of little root structure. If you look at a root dig the roots will cover your entire soil profile and use nutrients.
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