This on farm variety trial was planted April 23 and harvested Sept. 8th. Soil tests revealed a pH of 5.8-6 with phosphorus levels in the very high range due to previous applications of chicken litter. Potassium levels where adequate but called for 60lb for maintenance. Calcium was also very high. A 200 bushel yield goal was used across all hybrids.
Fertilizer applied was 3 gallon of Nachurs triple option in furrow, Envita at 3oz/ac with in furrow, 10 gallon of 32% with burndown, 40 gallon of 28% split at V4 and V6, gallon of 10% Boron.
Chemicals used where paraquat to kill rye cover crop, Atrazine, and Laudis. Approach Prima fungicide was flown on by helicopter at tassel. I’ll note here that there was no need to use glyphosate in the post emerge due to cover crop suppression.
Stalk quality (I’ll only speak of FBN varieties)
MBZ-T090- thinner stalk with a decent late season intactness, but very brittle and created a decent amount of MOG through the machine.
MBZ-D120- by far the best quality stalk out of all the hybrids. Large and well braced with some triple brace roots out of the lower nodes. Very little MOG.
MBZ-L149- good stalk quality with some great intactness. Inconsistent in the drier areas but overall a better stalk over 090.
MBZ-T159- large stalk and has been consistent the past two years on our farm. Has a few issues popping off halfway while harvesting in the drier areas. Much like the 149.
MBZ-T179- not impressed at all. Weak stalks and tons of MOG in the machine. Would like to try in a plot with a higher level of potash to see if there are any improvements.
Any further questions you can call or text me at . I am a community builder.
the T090 was horrible only yeilded 145 on ground that the prior year had 227 bu lg 5470
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