I have the opportunity to add around 200 acres of tilled farm ground that was left fallow over the winter. I'm looking into oats or a spring cover crop mix that I can hay or graze as I have the cattle to utilize the feed. We get around 15" of moisture on an average year but have been in drought for the last 2. Row crops are an option but with grain prices being what they are I'm looking for ways to diversify. Any opinions and advice is appreciated.
I would second the advice about getting a soil sample. I have worked with customers in the past who picked up new ground only to discover that it was depleted in some area and they had some unexpected inputs to buy to get it to the yield potential they wanted. I'm not making the accusation that this is happening in this case. I don't know anything about your particular situation. But I do know that having as much field history as possible is critical when your starting a growing season with a piece of ground that you haven't ever farmed before.
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