Verified FBN Member (IA)


Does harvesting corn at 25% or so and paying the drying cost really pay like the experts claim?

Wondering if anyone has tried harvesting wetter corn and dried it. Does it result in a better profit margin/acre, or is this idea brought to you by the propane lobby? I have read a few articles on it, but mentioned it to one agronomist that I deal with and he gave me the look like I was smoking something. Just wondering if there is any real world data, and what are some variables that should be considered?


Verified FBN Member (IL)

for us id rather start at 28% or so now we dont go hog wild we have a top dry grain bin, but its easy to dry at 80 degrees that 40 what we did some at the end here for us. we have saw the phantom yield loss its real. every farm is different this works for us most of our corn was harvested at 21% area this year.

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