Verified FBN Member (MS)


Who does veris rig sampling for soil ec to get your soil samples? Do you like it?

Seems like it would do a better job to get a more compete view of the fertility of a field vs a 5 acre grid. No one does it around us so just wondering if anyone does it


Verified FBN Member (SD)

There is an Ag supplier here in west central MN that runs a veris. They charge $13 and acre. I have had them do 2 quarters and like the results, so far. One map shows high IDC problem areas for beans, so I put more iron down in those areas and had much better bean yield this year on those quarters than usual. We have done zone sampling maps and plan to variable rate fertilizer following the ve...


Verified FBN Member (AR)

  does mine through their Hyground service. I like it and trust it more than grid sampling